Customer Testimonials

Our wonderful customers are the reason we’re in business. Here are some of the great things they’ve said about us.

We’ll do everything we can to make sure you’re a satisfied customer, too!

“He gave me a fair price and told me when he would do the job. He did exactly what he said he would do. Good job!” -Jay Hammer

“Superior service, efficient professional employees, Reasonable cost, extremely helpful owner in Tory Williams. ” -Jean Wilson

“Tory was extremely good at working with me to get my business and he did really good work on the roofing.” -Lisa Johnson

“Great Job, Windows fit great. Workers did a neat, clean and professional job. Cleaned up everything and couldn’t even tell they had been there except for my beautiful windows. Love them!” -Amy Baird

“Extremely professional and fast. Best pricing out of 4 companies that I was quoted from. Will definitely spread the company name to others and will most definitely use them again in the future. Thanks guys!” -Gregory Wolfe

“Great job on my roof, did it in a timely manner. Prices were very good compared to other quotes I received. Very nice young men!” -Tabatha Norton

“These guys did a wonderful job on my new roof. It is perfect and so beautiful. The whole process was very easy and the price was much better than I expected!!!!” -Valerie Brooks

“We are extremely satisfied and happy with the outcome of the work that Tory and his guys did for us. They helped us make difficult decisions and guided us in the right way when we had questions. Everything was done in a timely fashion and turn out beautiful! Thanks Supreme Renovations – I now feel like I have a brand new home!” – Randy Nall

“The work that was done on my house was GREAT!!!! They will be the only people I would call to work on my house in the future.” -Jasmine Andrews

“Work was professionally, timely, and did a stand up job cleaning up during and after the job was completed.” -Eisha Lank

“Very pleased with their work.” – Thomas Davis

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Amy W.

Tina B.

Melisa Semenov